Everyone must be able to participate

This project foster digital inclusion through digital volunteering of elderly people and migrants by solving the needs of services from both side. Reducing loneliness from the elderly side and giving support services to migrants. Adult educators
create non-formal learning digital situations that involve two vulnerable groups (elderly people and migrants) and develop digital inclusions to promote equality.

Vulnerable people digital inclusion through digital volunteering. Project nr.2022-2-PL01-KA210-ADU-000092441.

For more information please visit: https://digitalvolunteering.eu

The project strengthens the competencies of the vulnerable group (migrant women) and elderly people

  • Will be created a good practice of digital inclusion for elderly volunteers and migrants.
  • Practical training „Digital inclusion of vulnerable people through volunteering activities”
  • Prepared a handbook for adult educators „Digital inclusion through volunteering activities”.
  • Also will be actively implemented dissemination activities through different channels – EPALE, Age platform, 3AU