Building Inclusive Societies Through New Migration Narratives

Milab – laboratory of new migration narratives promotes awareness and proposal of new migration narratives among youth. MILAB Academy, is a didactic proposal created by the participating partners, whose objective is to offer tools to promote the generation of new migratory narratives in the face of hate speech and to promote intercultural coexistence.

The project MiLAB 2021-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000028832 is coordinated by FUNDACIÓN ENTRECULTURAS, Spain within Erasmus+ programme

Visit the project website: MILAB – Laboratory of New Migratory Narratives (

The “MiLAB: Laboratory of New Migratory Narratives” project, funded by Erasmus+, unites five countries to combat hate speech and racism by creating new migratory narratives. Since organizations, professionals and young people recognize the need for resources to promote tolerance and respect for diversity.

The project involves youth, educators, and professionals from Biderbost Boscán & Rochin (Spain), More Mosaic (Sweden), Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu (Poland) and Entreculturas (Spain) for building together a proposal for new migratory narratives based in their particular experiences.

The project includes of MiLAB Magazine, a digital magazine and MiLAB Academy a Massive Online Open Couse (MOOC) in which creation have been involved young people, educators and professionals by developing their digital skills during activities of comic, podcast and documentaries creation.

We encourage you to get involved with the creation of new migratory narratives so we can become inclusive societies!

Visit the project website: MILAB – Laboratory of New Migratory Narratives (