The DigIN project

Empower Adult Educators to Support Digital Social Inclusion (2022-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000088404)

The DigIN project encourages the active participation of adults in the digital world and supports their social inclusion by building a digi- tal education ecosystem to manage an effective transition to digital education. The DigIN Project aims to develop the capacity of educators, other adult education staff and adult education institu- tions/organisations to support older adults to become active technology of users.

Adults’ participation in learning is a must in the rapidly digitalized world. The need for the use of digital technologies in everyday life is increa- sing day by day, making the integration of this population into society. Various activities and organizations aim to encourage older individuals’ learning and become engaged in social life by teaching them digital skills and information technologies.

Lifelong learning policy must be based on the recognition that society is experiencing an incre- ase in the number and proportions of older people, and that this continued growth and deve- lopment should be fostered through new forms of formal and non-formal learning opportunities. EU policy must ensure that people have genuine learning opportunities in order to main- tain their mental and physical health and ability to function independently, as well as to transform their social lives.


  • To develop competencies and skills of educa- tors, trainers and other adult education staff to contribute to the development of digital skills in adults to create engaging and active learning environments and digital instructio- nal practices that are level-appropriate.
  • To support adult learners’ access to digital learning opportunities through digital skills evaluation and involvement in learning activi- ties.
  • To build a digital education ecosystem to increase the capacity and readiness of adult education organizations to manage an effec- tive transition to digital education.
  • To transnationally operate and collaborate in order to create a digitally inclusive environ- ment for all citizens and generations.

Target Groups

  • Educators, trainers and other education staff working in adult education.
  • Older adults who need to improve their digital skills.
  • Adult education institutions/organizations that aim to assist older people in becoming active users of technology.


PR1 ‘Digital Engagement and Skills Develop- ment Toolkit’ which will include a collection of tools for adult education that addresses the digi- tal needs of educators and aligns with adult edu- cation        needs.

PR2 ‘e-learning app on digital needs’ to help adults        develop        their        digital     skills.

PR3 ‘DigIN Multi-Pack Programme’ which will consist of educational and guidance materials to help adults become digitally competent citizens.

A blended learning activity (LTTA) for educators and other adult education staff to assess their digital skills.