Keep going, reach goals, get an award: empowering senior volunteerism

Project GGA

Five partners from Lithuania, Slovenia, Latvia, Bulgaria and the Netherlands have started Erasmus+  Strategic partnership project “Keep going, reach goals, get an award: empowering senior volunteerism” No 2020-1-LT01-KA204-077966


The aim of the project is to empower senior adults’ active citizenship through a Senior Award Program which promotes their learning, volunteering and contributing to the society.

Please visit project website to discover more –


  1. empower senior citizens to engage in learning and take up volunteering activities following the award program developed by the partnership
  2. strengthen adult educators’ competences to support senior volunteers in the pursuit of personal growth aims
  3. raise public awareness on the issues related to aging societies and on the benefits that the senior volunteerism may have to the well-being of the society.

To meet the above mentioned needs and implement the objectives the partnership consortium made of 5 European countries: Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands and Slovenia, will share best volunteering traditions; together they will develop 3 intellectual outputs: an Online toolkit for adults/adult educators “Promotion of Senior Adults’ Organized

Volunteerism” (O1); The Senior Award Program for elderly citizens (O2); Manual for Adult educators on how to run the Senior Award Program (O3). These intellectual outputs will support the improvement of adult educators’ skills and abilities to work with senior learners in order to motivate and empower senior people’s engagement in active social life, non-formal lifelong learning, and volunteering.

The developed intellectual outputs will have the possibility to be transferred and applied in other EU countries outside the project partnership.

Target groups:

– senior citizens (retirees, participants of U3A, etc.)

– adult educators practitioners from both formal and non-formal adult education institutions, also, members organizations not primarily concerned with education (e.g. community

centers, cultural houses, libraries, museums, NGOs, volunteer centers, etc.)