Finished project results

Successfully implemented Erasmus+  Strategic partnership projects

“Empowering migrant women through building entrepreneurship skills” No 2020-1-NL01-KA204-064642 Duration (2020-09-01 – 2022-08-31) Encouragement of migrant women entrepreneurship skills is one of the easiest way to create job for themselves. Migrant women need support in their integration in the labor market. Please visit website to figured out more

Intellectual outputs includes:

– Migrant women leadership program, Nederlands EMW project NL mentorprogram, in Swedish HERE and Italian Empowering migrante donne attraverso la costruzione

– MOOC “Migrant women integration in labor market” aimed to improve professional skills for migrant women, increase their participation in the activities leading to employment and building key competences necessary for successful economic integration in the host society HERE and promotion VIDEO

– Handbook for mentors and adult educators working with migrant women (English version) , Manuale per tutor ed educatori per adulti (Italian), Handbok för mentorer (Swedish).


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