“Micro and project-based learning for Teaching ciRcular Economy and Ecological awareness in VET” (TREE project)

Project n°: 2021-1-LT01-KA220-VET-000034724
Project aims to increase the employability of VET students through the creation of an innovative course on Education for
Sustainable Development (ESD) and promote the CE through the infusion of new “green skills”. Drawing on Micro- and
Project-based learning practices, TREE project will aim to provide a programme that can readily be adopted in VET’s
curricula. The above goals will be reached, through the attainment of the following 7 specific objectives: Provide
definitions of relevant “green skills” for the plastics, wood and agrifood sector: The project will aim to fight the skills
mismatch hindering the development of the CE by identifying, selecting, and defining the “green skills” that workers of the
plastics, wood and agrifood sector will need to participate in the green economy.


The TREE project will aim to do so, by establishing a training course based on micro- and project-based learning, to maximize its transferability and simplify its adoption in regular teaching activities of VET institutions. Promote collaboration between VET institutions and
companies that adopt sustainable practices: The TREE project will aim to foster collaboration between green companies
of the plastics, wood, and agrifood sector and VET institutions, in order to reduce the gap between education and the job
market. In particular, companies will provide relevant support in defining the “green skills” needed by their workers,
ensuring the effectiveness of TREE project training course. Increase VET teachers’ competences to teach ESD for the
CE: As VET teachers are lacking the relevant competencies to teach ESD, notions of the CE and transfer “green skills” on
their students, TREE project will aim to establish relevant training for them. The training will aim to increase their teaching
competences, knowledge of sustainability and ecological awareness, making them active participants of the green
transition. Promote the infusion of relevant “green skills” for the job market in VET students: Through the training course
developed within the TREE project, students will obtain new “green skills” that will increase their employability and help
them contribute to the green transition. The usefulness of the “green skills” identified within the project will be guaranteed
by the direct involvement of green companies. Increase the ecological awareness of VET students and teachers, as well
as promote the adoption of “green habits”: Within the TREE project, both teachers and students will gain relevant
knowledge about ecological awareness and sustainable behaviors. In this way, the project aims to support the diffusion of
“green habits” at the local level. Support policy harmonization at national and EU level for teaching ESD: The training
courses will be based on extensive and comprehensive researches about national and EU policy relating to ecology, CE
and ESD.


Within TREE project three main Results (R) are foreseen: R1 – TREE Methodological Material (e-book) A comprehensivereview of ESD, CE topics and educational policies related to sustainability in partner countries and at EU level, that will
include: – A definition of the main topics and green skills addressed by TREE project course; – A description of how microand
project-based learning will be adopted to successfully instill the green skills identified in – students; – A list of
instructions on how to implement ESD in VET institutions – Good practices for teaching ESD in VET institutions – Policy
recommendations on how to foster the teaching of ESD at national and EU level. Main deliverables: National and
Transnational Analyses Methodological Material (e-book) R2 – TREE Training Programme A complete training
programme on ESD and the CE, divided in two macro-sections, one devoted to the teaching of more general ESD and CE
topics through “micro-learning modules”, addressing also sustainable behaviors that can be adopted on a daily basis,
and a second one that will explain to students how CE and sustainability are declined in specific economic sectors (wood,
plastics and agrifood), through the adoption of “project-based learning” practices. This result will also include a testing
phase in VET institutions.
