Virtual and augmented reality applicability in adult education

Virtual and augmented reality applicability in adult education Digital andragogy constantly changing...

Sustainable food for green minds

This Erasmus+ project (2021 – 1 – PL01 – KA220 – ADU – 000025957) involves...

Empower adult educators to support digital social inclusion

Empower adult educators to support digital social inclusion (2022-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000088404)  ...

DISCoVeR Theatre – Digital Inclusion of Seniors for Creative aging through Virtual Reality theatre

DISCoVeR Theatre aims to provide adult professionals in CCIs with innovative and creative tools to e...

Keep going, reach goals, get an award: empowering senior volunteerism

Five partners from Lithuania, Slovenia, Latvia, Bulgaria and the Netherlands have started Erasmus+ ...

Empowering migrant women through building entrepreneurship skills

Encouragement of migrant women entrepreneurship skills is one of the easiest way to create job for t...


  • Thank you for daily help translating and giving advise, consultation how to help my children and myself faster integrate in to Netherlands community. I am not talking yet Dutch and it makes difficulties communicating with my two children schools. I am happy that I phoned and ask  your help - for me was even difficult to buy a travel card for my children but with your assistant it was easy. Once again thank you for support which is very important for me. Natalija
  • I have already been in three youth exchanges: one of them in Austria and two in Finland. For me youth exchanges are always the best way to relax from daily routine. There I meet new people, get to know about other countries cultures, their traditional dishes and customs. Of course, there I have experienced an unforgettable adventures and youth exchange program always remains a lot of best memories. Jogaile
  • Well, first of all it was such an amazing experience. I will never forget how amazing Italian pasta is, how Macedonians sing, how Spanish dance and how funny Estonians are! Those two weeks had been fascinating. Of course journey was grueling, but it paid off when we arrived. I had the time of my life there. I improved my vocabulary, I learnt some new words from each country and met extraordinary people! Youth exchange in Austria was definitely one of the most memorable and interesting experiences this summer. I met a lot of new people, communicated with different cultures and made new, valuable relationships. Andrius