This Erasmus+ project (2021 – 1 – PL01 – KA220 – ADU – 000025957) involves institutions and organizations from Poland, Austria, Estonia, France, Italy and the Netherlands with different experiences in the green sector and adult education.

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The project objectives are: * promote cooperation, quality, inclusion, and equity, excellence, creativity, and innovation at the level of organizations in the field of education and training; * exchange good practices between different institutions working in adult education and create E-Book for teaching and learning; * improve the competencies and professional level of adult
educators; * promote non-formal and informal learning and involve adult learners of different ages to the project activities.

Partners increased capacity to operate at a transnational level, shared ideas of different food cultures, practices and methods based on sustainable food production and consumption.

Partners reinforce interculturally dialogue and involved the project participants with different cultural and social backgrounds: ethnic and national minorities, migrants and refugees, representatives of different religions, etc. with the aim to share European diversity and common European values.

Focus on sustainability promotion for adults and adult educators. Organized learning, and training activities to get to know about a sustainable way of food in Italy and the Netherlands.