DISCoVeR Theatre – Digital Inclusion of Seniors for Creative aging through Virtual Reality theatre
DISCoVeR Theatre aims to provide adult professionals in CCIs with innovative and creative tools to engage a wider public in their activities, targeting the 65+ population band which is at risk of being or feeling excluded.
-activate local and transnational networks to boost transectoral cooperation
-train CCIs professionals and operators on audience development, outreach and engagement strategies for seniors in the wake of Covid-19
-design an innovative methodology aimed at performative and expressive arts practicioners for engagement and community-building through arts, combining Participatory Theatre and
use of Virtual Reality (VR). Participatory Theatre refers to a collective creation, usually community-based, where actors and non-actors co-create a play. The methodology will apply
the use of VR to this practice, to create a Participatory VR Theatre script that can be used for local theatre workshops with seniors
-creation of a transnational Network and Web platform (IO1) for CCIs, senior services, public bodies
-creation of a Senior Outreach and e-Engagement Training Format (IO2) to train adult professionals in CCIs and creative VR on engaging senior public in the era of Covid-19, tested
during a Joint Staff mobility (C1)
-creation of a Participatory VR Theatre Script and Handbook as an innovative methodology for participatory engagement and community-building through Theatre and Technology
(IO3), tested during Local Activities with senior citizens
-C1: 21 adult (25+) professionals in CCIs, arts/cultural organisations, theatre companies, no-profit/volunteer institutions, tech-companies interested in developing their outreach
capacity including seniors in their activities
-Local Activities: 70 seniors (65+) from local urban communities (10xpartner) and 35 younger adults (20-30yo) from local communities (7xpartner)
-Network and Platform created for long-term sustainability
-enhanced CCIs’ outreach and engagement capacities through innovative and creative practices
-innovative methodology for developing participatory theatrical performances using VR
-7 innovative Participatory VR Theatre performances
-creative aging mindset in seniors through involvement in theatrical creation activity
-enhanced social inclusion and participation in seniors through co-creation activity
Erasmus+strategic partnership project “DISCoVeR Theatre – Digital Inclusion of Seniors for Creative aging through Virtual
Reality theatre” 2020-1-UK01-KA227-ADU-094590